About the Artist

I am a maker, a creator of art. Since I was a child, I have had a huge desire to make things look better and always searched ways to do so. Painting came to me early in life as well and as for most, it evolves through time by inspiration and experience. I have explored culinary arts, interior decorating, designing and cultivating gardens for myself and for others. I have always found my “happy place’ when creating in these activities. Out of all this, I can say that colour and composition have so attracted me in what themes I choose to do and these are best found in nature. Milton, where I live, abounds with a wonderful source of inspiration. I have reached a stage in my creative journey where my work, especially with alcohol ink, satisfies my need for happy and bright colours. My hope is that others enjoy the products of my love for art and it stimulates them in a very happy way!

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