Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is for all our members to attend. We present a summary of all the great things that happened in 2024 and share the plan for the upcoming year; it gives you a chance to understand all of the ways in which you can become more involved with FASM activities. You are invited and encouraged to ask questions and engage in discussions. We will be holding elections for Board positions, and if you feel that you would like to become more involved, you can choose to nominate yourself for a Board position, or sign up to help on Committees or with specific tasks. We have an engaging guest speaker lined up as well - someone you might remember when she was a FASM member! Date of AGM: Nov 20, 2024 Time of AGM: 7pm Location of AGM: Sherwood Community Centre, MILTON (ROOM # 4)

Guest Speaker: Kirsty Rutter
Kirsty Rutter, our 2024 AGM speaker, is an artist and entrepreneur, who has created a business selling her art and art products. A skilled business executive and a professional coach, Kirsty has used her analytical and organizational skills to help her develop the processes and strategy for growing an art business. At our AGM, Kirsty will share her journey, the lessons along the way, and the tips and tricks to help you grow your business. You will learn about the technology, web platforms, photography tips, and how to turn your art into custom products. Join us for this very informative and inspiring talk.